About Totalrugby.ie

Totalrugby.ie was born in April 2009 and finally went live in November of that year. It is run by avid rugby supporters and players that have all grown up in thriving rugby environments. Our love for the sport brought us to this point and we are loving the journey so far.
We felt that websites of our calibre were non existent here and one had to go overseas to get good rugby selection. We felt the need for a specialised online rugby store was waiting and so bore the idea of Totalrugby.ie
Since going live we have received a great response from the public. We have been involved in some great prize give-aways. Run some great events through various other sporting mediums including the fitness dock gym, D2 club and lounge, Emerald rugby magazine, keepfit.ie and many more.
As a new-born website we will be ever-growing and advise and comments is always welcomed. Even of the critical variety.
As for the blog, between here, Facebook and our Twitter tweets, we will keep you all posted on the world of rugby as it happens. We will notify you of all the major news, have our own competitions from time to time and keep you updated on all upcoming and new stock ranges on our website.
Until then stay sporty folks, and don’t forget to register at WWW.TOTALRUGBY.IE and right here on our blog page for regular rugby updates.