Monday, March 28, 2011

BOD reaches 25 tries

This video never gets old

Despite having a relatively poor tournament, Ireland finished on a high as they stopped England from picking up the much sought after Six Nations Grand Slam. For O’Driscoll, it was a day of personal triumph as the win was capped off with a historic 25th try for his country in the competition, surpassing Ian Smith's record that was set between 1924 and 1933.

"I didn't know Ian Smith myself! But 78 years is a very long time for a record to stand. It's great and a real honour, said O’Driscoll. "Individual accolades are what you think about when your career is finished, but I hope I have a bit left me in so I won't dwell on it."

The following video isn’t in the best quality possible unfortunately, but it’s still worth having a look at as it covers each one of the 25 tries the great centre has scored since making his international debut for Ireland back in 2000.

A brilliant achievement, big congratulations go out to the great man and it's good to hear that he may be back again next year, hoping to extend that record even further.

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